======================= Hacking with WebSockets ======================= :Date: 2012-07-26 :Speakers: Mike Shema, Sergey Shekyan, Vaagn Toukharian :Slides: http://media.blackhat.com/bh-us-12/Briefings/Shekyan/BH_US_12_Shekyan_Toukharian_Hacking_Websocket_Slides.pdf The Gist ======== + "Behold the bi-directional browser" + 2-way comm + Untrusted code + Forcing persistence on a non-persistent protocol! + RFC 6455 + Tunnel arbitrary data (JSON, XML, HTML, images, video, sound... ANOTHER PROTOCOL) WebSocket Emulation =================== + web-socket.js - Flash raw sockets with Flash "security" + sockjs-client - Pure JS + Force HTML5 in non-HTML5 browser Why Worry! ========== + 0.15% of sites today use WebSockets + Most are for support chat (95%) + Among remaining 5%, < 1% using crypto + OLD THREATS (DoS, MitM)